A Photopoem Collection
by GK duBois

18 poems from a decade representing an ongoing enquiry and source of fascination. A picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes the thousand words is also a hologrammic experience encoded. Growing up in a cinematic age where cameras have become ubiquitous, I have often found myself training in experiences where the poem and the experience arise together. I originally called these “Captures” as if the light rays of the experience were embedded in the words. The test: How immediately do the words return me directly to the experience? And then, in some sense, distill its intensity into a pill or a meditation device? The development process, like old school dark rooms for film, is this editing, distillation. Later studies in mnemonic devices and creation (aka generation) stage meditations highlight how we encode vast experience, meaning and energy in symbols, scenes, the awareness field around ourselves. These various experiments sometimes called poetics continue. What’s here is a little gathering of some of the fruits– what taste do they have for the reader? What new images arise?

Full downloadable pdf:  SCENES & SNAPS: A Photopoem Collection 
