Artifacts & Lineages Early Works & Actions AllArtifactsDinners/SalonsInstallationsPaintPerformancesRecordingsTask Force The Diver The Doll Project Fruit Man SKY PLOTS: A Chaos of Rituals 23 Duets/Vignettes Sugardaddy’s Zero Gravity Thinkers The Shower Gallery SKY POEM #1: Everything Made of Sky Cadence: Offering Mural Gamelatron: The Legend Locana’s Well & Waterworks The JFK Relays Gallery of Dreaming Hats The APU Sonar: Echo Network Public Text Works Broken Clocks: Project Time Inside TV The Subway Parties The Hyperbolic Destruction Dance Band The Blindfolded Dinner Parties The Miracle Bistro Sandcastles The Flashlight Gallery Poi: Fire Spinning THE MOTLEY ETCETERA