Necklace of Grief

Agate Beach, Bolinas, CA July 2021

Necklace of Grief offered at the Cliff of Weeping Stone
June 26, 2021
Agate Beach, Bolinas, California
agent mT in collaboration with cSageD

Summary: The ocean tide gathers the grief and loss of those on land in her necklace and draws it out to sea.

cSage (read his writing HERE) chose the location— He knew the geography but neither of us expected how it would shape the offering. In this case, the incessant erosion of the cliff, with constant pitter patter of falling stones, trees on the verge and trees long fallen, spoke to the experience of impermanence and essential grief. The ocean supplied vibrant red seaweed and tendrils of kelp. The shore provided colored stones, innerlit shears of bark, a hearty v winged tree carcass plexus and a husk of whale filter along with abundant sand. 

A myth, whether ancient or spontaneously arising, seemed to guide this rite. An ocean goddess who leaves her necklace on shore to gather the prayers and grieving of those on land. The tumbling cliffs are the souls and flow of life leaving form. The artifacts of the sea and shore, like dreamcatchers, arranged in hoops and design steep with these intentions and forces. The tide will gather these– The ocean goddess will don her necklace and life will be renewed in her heart.

We spent many hours there, in and out of meditations and explorations, then working together intuitively to arrive at what felt like a vessel.
