Face Troupe

FACE TROUPE: Improv Face Theater, Face Mask, Face Expressivity Warm-ups, Facial Massage, Face App … and… The Gallery of Faces.

Face Troupe is a staged and impromtu smorgasborg of facial storytelling and facial hyperbolica as we rush down the path of invasive algorithmic surveillance facial recognition software, a saturation of faceself-branding and the mainstreaming of botox and face-sculpting. Face troupe jumps on the back of giants of face expressivity exploring and championing face and sensory warmups with face massage, acupuncture and the art of makeup and masks. The performative aspect may be the fruits of a lifetime of acting or balinese dance or as spontaneous as a moment’s encounter on the street. 

What story are you telling with your facial expressions? What stories can you tell? 

The Gallery of Faces is an installation of dozens to 100s of simultaneous face troupe performances each shown looping on individual digital tablets (or other medium for display large or small). Face Troupe and the Gallery of Faces is a further evolution of an agent mT installation exploring storytelling through only facial expression first shown at the Dumbo Arts Festival circa 2000. 
