SUMMARY: Assembled and led a four-person production and event crew for REFLECTION, an installation of a Kate Raudenbusch interactive sculpture at the (now former) headquarters in Long Island City. The team are long-time collaborators and I’ve long been a fan of Kate’s monumental work. Great to share an unveiling of a remarkable art piece and to support hundreds of people who experienced it with us– walking through a forest of a 1000 candles to a meditation within an urban monolith. 

R   E   F   L   E   C   T   I   O   N

It seems impossible that a work of art can feel so indestructible and so delicate at the same time. Raudenbush achieves this feat again and again with her beautifully outsized climbable sculptures that incorporate the most detailed and mathematically precise geometry alongside a thrilling disregard for the limits of traditional scale. 
